Thursday, November 28, 2019
Is Justice Truly Blind Essays - Drug Policy Of The United States
Is Justice Truly Blind We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal. Thomas Jefferson wrote these immortal words in the Declaration of Independence in 1776. One has the right to impose the question Are we truly equal? simply by taking a look at American society. Presently, the United States is a country in which thirty-three percent of the male ages eighteen to thirty years old of African decent are in jail, on probation or parole. This is an exceptionally high statistic in comparison to their white counterparts. Some people argue that those statistics reflect high rate of crime, which is prevalent in African-American communities. Specifically the areas of concern are impoverished. The rate of unemployment is higher than the national average. The average income is considerably lower; this leads to a sense of helplessness and hopelessness. In the nineteen eighties unemployment was high and so was inflation, crack became a channel of escape. Powder cocaine, whose usage also gave ris e in the eighties was fashionable in upscale Caucasian neighborhoods and was viewed as glamorous and clean. Just as there is, a difference in the form of a drug that is preferred between the two ethnic groups so is the severity of justice that is meted out. Federal law requires a mandatory sentence of five years for the possession of five grams of crack. To receive the same sentence for cocaine powder form, one must be apprehended in possession of five hundred grams. These disproportionate statistics leads to the notion of the existence of a bias in the justice system to keep the public unequal. If a bias exists why isn't it publicized? This question is valid question with an easy answer. If you, a member of the public are also a member of the white majority, you will not be affected by these biases. Since 1995, discrimination in the court system has become easier to notice. This partially stems from the fact that minorities in general have a history of being unable to afford adequate council. Two examples of these discrimination cases are those of Marvin Green (who barely had a traffic violation) and a young man by the name of Christopher Armstrong. In the first case, Green was the passenger in a car that had been stopped by police. The driver of the car abandoned Green leaving him to take the blame for five grams of cocaine that were found in the car. Facing up to forty years in the federal penitentiary, Green with his family's aid was able to hire a respectable attorney and beat an absurd charge. He was reported to have become the first black acquitted of any crime in the Kansas Federal Courts jurisdiction. The Armstrong case argued that although Armstrong and his co-defendants were not angels by any means, they were selected for federal prosecution because they were black and no other reason. This came during a period of time when the only defendants of federal narcotics charges in California Federal Courts had been minorities. At the same time drug abuse had been relatively parallel in white communities. Policing of the nation's streets is commendable; abusing the power that comes along with it is not. Local prosecutors claim that the high arrest rates are higher in black communities because of a reported lack of secrecy or a so-called open air drug market. Despite the general public's belief, minority convictions relate directly to the fact that they are usually poorly represented by underpaid, understaffed and overworked public defenders. Recent studies have shown that while drug use by whites is at about the same rate as blacks, blacks are five times more likely to be arrested. These alarming rates should call the nation's attention to an obvious bias. No matter what is done there must be a change in how law enforcement handles the delicate race card. These statistics show that America's War on drugs is merely a race war incognito. Do white judges ever consider why there are so many black defendants in criminal cases? Do white judges ever wonder why so few black lawyers appear before them? Do they ever inquire about the history of bar associations that used to exclude Jews and
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The Automobile Market in Australia
The Automobile Market in Australia Statement of Purpose The aim of this report is to complete a market research analysis report of the automobile market in Australia that will help the Great Wall motors of china to undertake a strategic planning and make future growth plans.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Automobile Market in Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The report will assess data and then make recommendations and conclusion to the management of the great wall motors that will the company to achieve its strategic objectives. The report will use Australian market information to identify and evaluate current and future market opportunities, demand trends within the Australian market and also make an analysis of product types and market segments that could provide growth for the company. Current and Future Market Opportunities Great wall motors, an automotive company established in 1976 is the leading SUV manufacturer in China (Globa l times 2010). The company got a licence to produce sedans in 2008 after two decades of producing trucks and has been hailed as one of the leading exporters of automotives in China, having entered the European market with an incredible success. Currently, it exports it products in more than 60 countries and the major question in this paper is whether this company can succeed in Australia the way it has succeeded in Europe and other countries (China daily 2010). How is Australian automotive market different from these other markets that the great wall motors has succeeded in? It is on record that Australia is one of the few countries worldwide that have facilities to design vehicles and produce them from scratch to dealership and most of the vehicles used in Australia are produced domestically (Lynn 2010). Trends within Australia Auto Market Australia is known for producing large sized passenger vehicles though there is a growing market for sports utility vehicles and sedans. One of the government policies that have had a huge impact on the Australian automotive market is global integration where the government has lowered the tariffs, providing the industry with an opportunity to adjust. The government helped the industry to internationalize while at the same time making sure it remains stable. There are four major manufacturers operating in Australia. These are Ford, Toyota, General Motors and Mitsubishi. Productivity in the automotive industry has improved significantly over the last ten years due to the benefits of market liberalization (Unescap 2009).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Characteristics of possible markets Unlike Australia which favours PMVs, not many other markets have a huge propensity for PMVs. Modern markets are tilting towards small fuel efficient vehicles which is also a trend identified in Australia. Due to the skyrock eting oil prices around the world, people have resorted to buying vehicles that can economise on fuel and that is where the great wall motors should focus its attention on. Consumer segments for growth There are two consumer segments that can provide economic growth for this company. These are the sports utility vehicles segments and the small trucks market segment. Sports utility vehicles have been a source of competitive advantage for great wall motors and will continue to be because the company has already made inroads into that segment. The small trucks segment is an area that has been avoided by many automakers meaning that foraying into this segment can provided the much needed growth. Analysis of the Australian Domestic and Overseas Market Using Research Information The Australian automotive industry has four major players and all the manufacturers are subsidiaries of overseas giants meaning that there is no indigenous automotive manufacturer in Australia. The size of the ind ustry has grown over the recent years with sales hitting 0.8 Million annually with the passenger vehicles taking the biggest chunk of the market. There are also heavy trucks being assembled in Australia but there is no production of light trucks in Australia at the present. All light trucks are manufactured outside. Local manufacturers confine themselves to passenger motor vehicles because this is the dominant characteristic of the Australian motor industry. The long distance between major cities in Australia and transport infrastructure that can cater for larger vehicles has made the consumers to value the PMVs. Fuel prices in Australia are also low and the PMVs have features that make travelling in the country comfortable. However Australians are moving towards small inexpensive vehicles that facilitate travels within cities. There may be stiff competition between the manufacturers of PMVs but the modern shift towards small inexpensive sedans has created an opportunity that can be utilised by any automotive manufacturer. One characteristic of the Australian market is their disregard for the sports utility vehicles. Apparently, no automaker in Australia assembles or produces sports utility vehicles locally. Australia imports sports utility vehicles from Europe, Japan and Australia. There exists opportunities in Australia for light trucks and small sedans and any player planning to venture in the Australian motor industry must exploit the void in the Australian motor market. Australian major automotive markets overseas are concentrated in the Middle East, the leading consumer being Saudi Arabia which takes 50 percent of the Australian automotive exports.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Automobile Market in Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Other leading consumers include Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE which means that any automotive maker planning to venture into Australia must be able to exploit these overseas opportunities that have already been created by the existing automakers (Kraft 2010). There are certain characteristics of the Australian overseas market especially in the Middle East that any player has to factor in. The products that Australia exports to the Middle East are not the same as the products consumed locally. Due to the availability low prices of oil in the Middle East, fuel efficient vehicles are not easily marketable in the region meaning that Australia exports top of the range vehicles to this market segment. As opposed to the domestic market in Australia, Passenger Motor vehicles are not in high demand overseas especially in the middle east where there are low populations and high preference for the top of the range vehicles because the consumers in most of these country are economically endowed. Conclusions Based on Research Findings From the above analysis of research information, it is evident that the Great Wall Motors may not e asily find a market share in Australia. The Australian transport infrastructure and customer preferences favour Passenger Motor Vehicles which the Great Wall Motors does not deal in currently. Currently there are four major competitors in the Australian motor industry meaning that an additional competitor would find it hard to compete with the existing automakers. The major disadvantage for Great Wall Motors is that it does not have the facilities to produce the kind of vehicles that are in concordance with the Australian market characteristics. Secondly the Great Wall motors specializes in sports utility vehicles which are largely unpopular in Australia meaning that it would hard for the company to make a breakthrough in the country. However, the future of the automotive market in Australia may favour the Great Wall motors because as mentioned above, people in Australia are now inclined towards small inexpensive sedans. Recommendations Currently, the competition in this segment is not as stiff and there is an opportunity success in this segment. I would recommend that Great Wall Motors target this emerging opportunity in the Australian market because the company already have facilities that can create a competitive advantage in this segment.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Great Wall Motors should therefore set up plants in Australia for manufacturing the small inexpensive sedans and also transfer some of its SUV operations to Australia to target the Australian overseas market especially in the Middle East. The current marketing strategies that Great Wall Motors uses by great wall marketing may not succeed in the Australian market because of the nature of the market that favours Passenger Motor Vehicles meaning that the company has to rework its marketing strategies to favour its new line of production. In Australia, the best strategy that can enhance its competitive advantage is market segmentation which will help the company to create niche markets (ABR 2008). Market segmentation will help Great Wall Motors to develop products that suit different classes of people in the country ensuring that each class or market segment is served with its own type of product (Kynge 2009). This is the only strategy that will help Great Wall Motor to penetrate the tr icky Australian automotive market. There are some additional resources that will be required to support the above recommendations for market segmentation. This includes a strong and effective research team that will study the Australian market so that the company can make strategies that are in line with the preference of the Australian customers. The Great wall motor company also needs a string sales and marketing team that will promote the new products in the Australian market and also ensure that the company attains a competitive advantage in the new market (China auto web 2010). The company also needs to invest in the state of the art plants to ensure it delivers products that are of higher quality than what the existing players deliver to the Australian and overseas automotive customers because this will be another source of competitive advantage for the company. All in all, it may not be easy for the company to excel in Australia but if the above recommendations are considered , the company can in the long run become a competitive player in this tricky automotive market. References Automotive Business Review (ABR) (2008) Great Wall Motor looks towards EU for exports. (Online) Available at: . China Auto Web (2010) Great Wall Plans More KD Assembly Plants Overseas. Web. Available at: China Daily (2010) Great Wall banned from exporting GW Peri mini car. Web. Available at: Global times (2010) Great Wall Motors vehicles hit Cambodian market (online) Available at: wall motors. Kraft, R. (2010) Shaking the Globe: Courageous Decision-Making in a Changing World. Melbourne: C.U.P Kynge, J. (2009) Great Wall Motors Launches First Chinese-Made Cars into Australian Market Web. Available at: ( Acessed, 12 July 2009 Lynn, J. (2010) What is missing in the Australian automotive market. Web. Available at: Unescap. (2009) Australian Automotive Market. Web. Available at:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Supervisor Interview Assignment III ( Is there someone who has Essay
Supervisor Interview Assignment III ( Is there someone who has Supervisor friends or contacts or you can be a interviewee if yo - Essay Example It is his duty to assess the performance of all employees working under the customer service department, their way of handling customer transactions, and to reprimand them when needed. He directly supervises a total of 20 employees under the customer service department. He graduated with a degree in Management. Before becoming a customer service supervisor, he was a customer service agent. Because of dedication and hard work he got promoted to this position. While he was still studying he was able to join seminars on work ethics and professionalism. He had also undergone management and leadership trainings provided by the company. He said that there a lot of qualities a good supervisor must possess but if he needs to mention three very important qualities, he will consider the following: Superb Leadership Skills- To effectively lead a team a supervisor should have this very important quality. Although it takes time to develop this one, but once a supervisor has it, then leading the t eam to success will be easy. Good Communication Skills- One of the most important components in business management is communication. Communication is not done in a way that will discourage an employee, there must be some sense of respect and openness to fully reach out to the members of the team. A Positive Attitude Towards Work- This type of job carries with it a big responsibility not only to the company but also to the customers. If the supervisor is able to show the eagerness to perform the job efficiently then the employees will be inspired to follow what their leader does. It's hard for him to determine the things that he wishes he knew before he became a supervisor. He just thought that he wishes he knew earlier the reason why we encounter customer complaints but he guesses it is true that you can never please everyone no matter how much effort you make. Secondly, he wishes he knew more about the things that cause signal disruptions because that is the usual complaint of our customers. He narrated that there was one time that a customer service agent received a call from a very angry female customer. She had complaints on signal disruption. The woman was so angry that the agent got frustrated and asked him to help her figure out a way to calm the customer down. Being the one in charge of handling these types of problems, he did not waste time; he talked to her politely and explained to her some possible causes of signal disruption. He then apologized to her for the inconveniences that interrupted her dealings and promised to take the necessary actions to solve the problem. He further stated that as a supervisor, he is the role model of the team. His own way of motivating his team members is by letting them feel that they are essential to the company. As much as possible he pushes them to do their best every day, and give them compliments every once in a while to boost their self confidence. He is lucky to have team members who are good listeners and fo llowers. He advised not to stop believing in your own capabilities. Never let other people ruin your beliefs and aspirations. He said that if you wish to become a supervisor in an instant that's definitely impossible not unless you came from a highly influential family. So he said to keep working hard and never surrender. Part II: Analysis Through this analysis, I will share my learnings and realizations from the recently conducted interview with the customer service supervisor. The interview shows an
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Hospitality Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12
Hospitality Management - Essay Example The other important thing that I have learnt from this course is that managers have a very important role to foster organizational commitment among the members of the company. This significantly helps the members to identify with the company. There are various steps that can be taken in order to create commitment among the employees. It is important to motivate them as well as to create a flexible working environment where they are also in a position to fulfil their work-life goals. In the hospitality industry, the employees need to be motivated so that they can create an identity with the company they work for. This also helps to improve their performance. The other thing that I have acquired from this course is related to the aspect of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is just the same as internal motivation towards your own work. If you work in the hospitality industry, you ought to have internal motivation so that you can also be in a position to set your own goals in relation to your work. As individuals, we all have our own goals and aspirations to achieve to achieve at our workplace as well as personal goals. A fine balance between the two should be created so that we can develop that internal motivation that helps us to put more effort in our operations. I have also learnt that personal values are very important when operating in the hospitality industry. These are comprised of beliefs which shape our behaviour in the workplace. When dealing with other people especially in the hospitality industry, it is essential to be honest and truthful. I have realised that this personal value helps to create mutual trust with the clients. I have also noted that responsibility is another personal value that should always shape our behaviour in the hospitality industry since we should all be accountable for our actions. Above all, teamwork is very important in the hospitality industry. Through teamwork, members are
Monday, November 18, 2019
Was World War Two a Good War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Was World War Two a Good War - Essay Example This is evident with the commencement of WWII, which historically despite cited as a ââ¬Å"good warâ⬠in terms of ending repressive regimes, is far from it due to then its associated mass extermination of human life and crippling of alliesââ¬â¢ economies. Contrary to numerous scholarsââ¬â¢ works not citing detrimental effects of the war, it yielded to immense loss of lives to both civilians and those who engaged autocratic or ââ¬Å"evil forcesâ⬠as commonly preferred. As Mooney states, ââ¬Å"roughly 6 million Jews and approximately 4 million others were murdered in the ââ¬Å"Holocaustâ⬠(Mooney, 110).â⬠Hence, revealing the utter retaliations of autocratic forces after realizing their victims of the day had support from external world, which was ready for engagements. However, numerous history scholars despite noticing this utter humiliation tend to incline towards adopting political perspective while ignoring scars the war left in peopleââ¬â¢s hearts . Most of the retaliations made by the then ââ¬Å"evil forces/powersâ⬠of the day encompassed unleashing terror on those who could not defend themselves. The core reason was to irritate other global blocs who through their actions of inducing peace seemed to defend victims despite most of them being not their citizens. However, these efforts by sympathizing blocs instead of bringing relieve to the suffering continued to worsen while trying to eliminate totalitarian regimes. According to Mooneyââ¬â¢s sentiments, ââ¬Å"100,000 more eventually died from burns and radiation sicknessâ⬠¦ On 9 August a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, killing 80,000 more Japanese (Mooney, 119).â⬠This was more than what opposing peaceful blocs together with their allies of the then campaigned while in the quest of inducing peace and saving life. It is irrefutable WWII despite attributed with overthrowing and containing the then tyrannical powers, it yielded to the destruction and stagnation of numerous global economies. This is in terms of numerous resources that went into supporting the military forces against their autocratic enemies, which was not an easy task. According to Ernie, ââ¬Å"For a mile out from the beach there were scores of tanks and trucks and boats that you could no longer see, for they were at the bottom of the water - swamped by overloading, or hit by shells, or sunk by mines (Ernie, ââ¬Å"The Horrible Waste of Warâ⬠).â⬠This was one of the numerous destructions evidenced on both sides as each pioneering state solicited monetary and weaponry support from respective allies. Hence, rendering the war as the most expensive the world has ever had, which somehow crippled entire global economy. It also led to the disruption of family structure whose effect is still evident to date. The female gender ended up assuming maleââ¬â¢s occupations where they worked in industries to support the then ongoing combat. During then, almost all men comprising the energetic gap ganged together compelled by their respective states to wage war against tyrannical powers. This is evident in Sauerââ¬â¢s confession citing, ââ¬Å"I worked seven days a weekâ⬠(Sauer, ââ¬Å"The War Changed My Life Completelyâ⬠). Hence, revealing utter situation she had to undergo due to the lack of labor force in industrial firms where
Friday, November 15, 2019
A Reflection on different volunteer work
A Reflection on different volunteer work It was my first day to join Market Craft Day as part of team of Pt Chevalier Community Centre. This market uses to be held on every third Saturday of the month and the purpose is for everyone in this community having a place to buy and sell goods such as second-hand house ware, handmade craft, food or anything they want to bring from home. This activity also provides resident, small business and organization an opportunity to connect with the community, to promote themselves and make a payback to the community because the fee from the stall booking is part of funding to operate the Community Centre and its programmes. My job was as an assistant to sell BBQ sausage with John, a committee member who has been called as Sausage manager and Sausage expert. That is because he has volunteered in this job for a long time. This is a joke between those team members as John is the youngest of the team and it is the way how they treat each other like family. From their conversation and the small talk, I found out Kiwis love to have humour and make jokes to express their concern for each other, especially for well-known friends. They also made jokes to me but not much that I think they might worry about I could not understand their jokes then get embarrassed. They were easy-going and had an opened heart to make friend with me even though I am from a different ethnic group. I could feel that how I was accepted as part of group and been treated like a family. I was really enjoying my time with them as they had shown me the most important cultural ritual of New Zealand treat everyone equally. In addition, during my volunteering, I learned how to cut onions and how to make BBQ sausage and custom-made sandwich. This is the first time of my life for doing this job. Through my work, I have known it is a very common recipe in New Zealand to have BBQ sausage with onion, mustard sauce and toast as a snack for outdoor activity. Besides, as John did, some people love to have toast with Spaghetti and tomato sauce which is another special western style that different from Asians. Compared with Taiwan, we use to have various traditional foods as our snack such as Chinese bun, Stinky tofu (smelly tofu) and Oyster omelette. The mobile stalls in Taiwan also need to be approved by local council for a licence to sell goods/food at roadside or local late-night market. There will be a penalty for no licensed stall. Reflection: Day 2 Core office work (Wednesday, 9.30am~1pm, 22 Sep 2010) Karen, the Coordinator of the organization, called me to come in to the centre and gave me some works to know the way around the place. She was also my interviewee who gave detailed information for my 10 culture and society questions and how this community centre operate. Based on her job description, I know she is a key to execute the programme of community centre and the committee of this non-profit organization are people to outline and to decide what programme can be launch for the community. I realized how important to have a community centre in the community after I did the office work and the interview. According to Karens information, every community centre is a Hub to link local public library, education institution and business/organization together to provide information and activities for people live in the local area. Any individual or various groups can use this place for any activity by just hiring a room of building, or leave their poster/brochure on the notice board to promote themselves. For example, a private childcare centre, where also provide free Spanish language learning environment, has its flyer placed on notice board so everyone might see its information when visit the centre. This is a free and convenient service that provide from the community centre for its community. I think it is also a proper place to exchange cultural value from different ethnic groups by having their activities here. Moreover, the School Holiday Programme is a good example to show how this community centre pays proper regard to education and multiculturalism. For example, it has various activities for age 5 to 13 years old children. The activities of September and October programme in this year included the First Aid course for kids, Hip Pop dance workshop, Surf lifesaving workshop and a play for a Chinese story The Secret of Dongting Lake which are very meaningful for developing childrens skill, personal ability and an opportunity to understand different cultural aspect. I think it is very clever to let children learn while playing through those seasonal programme and activities. Everyone, including their parents, can also make friends and have a connection for their social life after the activity. Its a very valuable contribution that the community centre gives us and the NZ society. Reflection: Day 3 Work in the Op-Shop (Thursday, 10.30am~1pm, 23 Sep 2010) Things that I had learned were not from my work in this Op-shop but from people here. Their behaviour and their thought gave me an idea to know why many New Zealander, especially the senior, have willing to be volunteer and how they made the changes for their community. Op-Shop of Pt Chevalier Community Centre is operated by volunteers who are Erin, Julie and a lady who I havent met yet. Erin is the team leader and the one to assist my learning. She makes the decisions and manages the shop to keep it run for its customers. This is not difficult to find out she is quite reliable and motivated in her role. She has an enthusiasm and a good intend to help people in this community. She low the price down or gave free gifts to the customers who seem to have financial difficulty. She notices the regular customer and keeps the goods, which they may need, beside her desk and give an acceptable price when they have come. She said there are not many people have enough money to buy what they want, therefore, the purpose of community centre is to help people for their need, that is the reason she gives the cheaper price and support them in this way. Under her management, the Op-shop has offered a free service for everyone who needs to promote their home business to have their price menu and business card display on the checkout desk. This is another way how Erin does to help and encourage people who is unemployed but has the skills for starting a new life. Her whole family include her daughter and grand-daughters, are all happy to involve in the volunteering work. They used to donate good quality clothes and purchase second hand goods from this shop. These is a very good example which Erin and her family have showed us for how people help each other in their community. This is good to see everyone happy, she said. In Taiwan, there are also many people work for charity foundations or religious institutions who contribute themselves to help the society. A quantity of them even has joined the global charity events such as what Red-Cross does. This is positive manner to give payback to our society. The truth is, we never know there will be one day we may need help from others so that why we dont try to give what we have at first. More cooperation between people in the society may have higher quality living environment that everyone may get the benefit from. In this case, I believe most of New Zealander has done this well from what I have seen in this community centre. Language learned from my volunteering work The committee members and volunteers of Pt Chevalier Community Centre are like a big family to me. They knew each other and have a good connection with local residents. The language they used in our interaction was between formal and informal which may depend on the level of relationship they have had with this person. There are two different ways of the language using that I had noticed from my participation. To well-known friends or relations, the words using and the topics of conversation choosing were quite flexible and included a lot of humour and colloquial words that I might not pick up from those natives utterance. In their small talk, they talked about friends or families they knew, gossiped about everyday matters and made jokes to each other. From here, I confirmed my impression of what I have seen when I first came to NZ that Kiwis are easy-going and love to make friends. On the other hand, when communicated with me, those people were quite friendly and had tended to slow down their speed and simple their words to make me understand them well. From their words usage, I could know they had a quality of education level that their behaviour and speaking were gentle and sophisticated. In this case, I remember what Karen said in my interview and indeed most of team member in this organization has had a strong social skill which is people skill. They know how to speak felicitously with people from different background and how to make their conversation smoothly to make both of us happy. Generally, the conversations with the team members had given me an opportunity to evaluate my English speaking level and to practice my communication skill with native speakers. In my self-evaluation, the positive I got is I dont have much trouble to make communication with them by using everyday language, such as greeting, telling the personal story, give the opinions of what I think about everyday matter and follow the instructions that I had been asked. Most of conversations were run smoothly but I knew there is still a gap to be narrowed if I could increase my English vocabulary to express myself properly and my comprehension of listening in English to understand their words. That is the negative side of my evaluation from my interactive tasks in this community centre. The racial tension in NZ multicultural society? From my volunteered work in Pt Chevalier Community Centre, I have met many people who have an open-mind to accept NZs multicultural aspect and treat it with respect. However, some information from people who work in this centre had widened my mind to see how native New Zealanders think about the immigrants, especially for Asian people. That has given me an idea how I behave and interact with native people who have different opinion about us. The Committee Chairman of this organization, Bruce, is a very gentle old man who was quite enthusiastic to assist my learning through my work in the Market and Craft day. He had given me some advices to make my CV and job application more successful through our interview. When we had a relevant conversation about people from different racial background like me, he told me a story of his sons employee who had been fired because his intention of refusing the service to customers who were Asian looking. Bruce had told me that many Kiwis have a misunderstanding about all Asian people in NZ are bad driver. I had made the complaint about this mistaken thought as kind of racial bias and I just realized that is the reason why my friends, my family and myself had experienced of being stared or shouted by Pakeha drivers when we drove a bit slow or made a wrong way driving accidently as it may sometimes be made by themselves as well. Just like the information acquired from Karen, the Coordinator of the organization, that when a number of Asian first came to NZ, many kiwis were very affronted about it for a long time. They thought Asian people may be able to come and take our country, our city and our lifestyle; and they took a couple of years, maybe 2 ~ 5 years to settle down. This is long time ago when they refused to have that immigration policy to allow more Asian people into the country. But now it just really accepted, generally it really accepted, [SIC] it was Karens reference of the general opinion of native resident. From her words, I was disappointed about the previous thinking of native people but pleased with the change that they have made. In fact, there are always two sides of a coin that people will see from different angel of view. Most people in this community that I have met are very kind to accept NZs multicultural society which they are living in but just a few have negative behaviour to us, immigrant from Asia countries, which I really like to ignore to live in peace with them. In conclusion, I agree that people in NZ are just like people in Taiwan who are definitely allowed to have a right to give critical opinions to people who may cause any harm to this beautiful and peaceful country. However, it is better to keep their thinking in objective way and not so subjective to create a difficult living environment for those immigrants to live in. That is absolutely unfair for what we have faced the racial tension in NZ.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Why We Need Universal Healthcare Essay -- Health Care, Medicare
Why We Need Universal Healthcare Many would argue that here, in the United States, we have the best healthcare in the world. We benefit from the most up to date medical technologies, medications, and services. People come from every corner of the world to take advantage of our top notch physicians and facilities. But is this reputation warranted, and if so, at what cost? The average annual cost per US resident is $7,681; this comprises 16.2% of our gross domestic product. These costs rank us among the highest of industrialized nations (Lundy, 2010). Does this high expenditure equate to better outcomes? According to the National Scorecard on US Health System Performance (2008), the US received a 65 out of 100 possible points. Compared with 19 other industrialized nations, the US came in last place in preventable mortality. Preventable mortality means just that, deaths which could have been prevented if ââ¬Å"timely and effective careâ⬠could have been provided (The Commonwealth Fund on a High Performanc e Health System, 2008). In 2000, the World Health Organization performed their first ever comparison of the health systems of the world. They reviewed 191 different countries and ranked them on numerous parameters, the United States ranked 37th for overall health system performance (WHO, 2000). Is it that our healthcare system is truly that poor, or is it that our care is only excellent for those patients who can actually afford it? A universal healthcare system would not only provide healthcare for all, it could also decrease our healthcare spending and potentially produce better health outcomes. High quality and less expensive healthcare can be achieved with a universal healthcare model. In fact, the United States is the... At this point, the law encourages the free market system by requiring employers to purchase private insurance for their employees or face penalties. It also imposes new regulations on private insurers mandating that they provide insurance for all people, regardless of health status and preexisting conditions (, 2010). The effects of the new act will not be seen for many years, the majority of the sections are not required to be in action until 2014. In the meantime, detractors of the law are working tirelessly to have it overturned. We have the benefit of closely examining how other countries of the world provide healthcare for all of their citizens. We can compare what works with what does not. Maybe itââ¬â¢s time we stop trying to fix our already broken system and focus on real change, universal healthcare as a right, not a privilege.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Speech on 14th August
Child labour and poverty are inevitably bound together and if you continue to use the labour of children as the treatment for the social disease of poverty, you will have both poverty and child labour to the end of time. (Grace Abbott) Today, there are millions of children who work as wage-earners. They are deprived of childhood, love, nutrition and social association. Child labour emerged during the industrial revolution and today it has become a very serious problem. It is a world-wide phenomenon. Extreme poverty large families, lack of free and compulsory education These children have no chance to attend school and have no choice except to work as unskilled labour. These children are compelled to live below poverty line all their lives. There are many laws against child labour in Pakistan and in other countries but these laws alone cannot control the exploitation of children. We must get the support of all the people of the society to control this menace. According to the law, no child below the age of fourteen can be employed in any hazardous job. Another law states that children should not be made to work beyond their capacity and they should be given opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner. However, all these laws have failed to check the problem of child labour. Stringent laws should be enacted and exemplary punishment should be given to those who exploit children for their selfish end SPARC has conducted research that goes into producing its publications, including three major books on child labour, juvenile justice and child rights. Its annual report The State of Pakistanââ¬â¢s Children and a large number of brochures, SPARC has conducted a number of research studies. SPARC has continued to ask successive governments to upgrade their laws to set a legal age limit for employment in Pakistan, although they have not been successful in doing so.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Genetic Engineering The Frontier essays
Genetic Engineering The Frontier essays Science is a still somewhat obscure creature that continues to evolve, radically changing the face of mankind perhaps faster than its creator. The magnificent world of science has witnessed many profound breakthroughs and advances in this past century, but none as noteworthy as genetic engineering. As a subset of the more general subject of biotechnology, genetic engineering is the process of altering genetic material by purposeful manipulation of DNA (Wallace 339). To some, this field illustrates malicious scientists playing God, while to others it is a treasure chest of knowledge that holds the key to solving problems such as world hunger, cancer, and AIDS. Scientists have already been able to turn microbes into millions of tiny factories producing drugs, alcohol, and chemicals, and astonishing forecasts are being made for genetic engineerings future contributions to health, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture (Sylvester 2). By engineering the plants and other organisms that are the s ource for medications, possible defects that may occur due to mutations and genetic diseases can be avoided completely. This could not only produce a more effective medicine, but save lives as well. However, risks still remain in using genetic engineering to solve the worlds problems. Questions arise concerning ethics, public safety, and misuse by the economically or politically powerful, but how can we as human beings know what is truly to come? Read Aldous Huxleys ,A Brave New World, or perhaps Asimovs, Foundation. Truthfully, there is no telling what the future holds, other than the ability to research and understand more about this incredible science of genetics. It is worth taking the risk to gain more knowledge and try to solve these problems that plague the world than shut it back up in Pandoras Box. As a student, I find biology, specifically genetics, extremely fa ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Pascal programming Essay Essays
Pascal programming Essay Essays Pascal programming Essay Paper Pascal programming Essay Paper Pascal Programming Arieus Green Professor Gary Smith Sam Houston State University Pascal was designed in 1968, but was no published until the 1970 by the mind of a man named Niklaus Wirth. Niklaus Wirth was born in Winterthur, Switzerland in 1934 were he attended Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. Where he soon earns his degree in Electronic Engineering by the mid 1960s. Pascal was named based off the memory of the late Baise Pascal, a famous French Philosopher as well as a major mathematician (Bill Catambay). This particular language was inspired by Algol along with Simula 67. Although pascal resembles Algol, It far surpasses it in run precision and capabilities. Pascal was designed to be a straight forward block Structured programming. Pascal structurally sound functionality provided the way for several new languages we use today for example, Ada, Java, Modula and so many others. Pascal was design to farther educate the development of a systematically discipline construct. Pascal was initially designed to influence the practice of good or better program design. The language in particular is an imperative and procedural programming language (Bill Catambay). Imperative programming language simply describes the computation of each term as a statement. This important detail makes it easier to produce a programming code, it also has the capacity to use structure programming alongside with data structuring. All of these things take care of the clarity as well as the quality of each program written in pascal. By this time pascal has been at the top of its game being both reliable as well as efficient. Pascal is a strongly typed, block structure programming language (Bill Catambay). It has evolved with enough power to run home projects, commercial industries and many other entures. Wirth was very particular when the designs were planned out. Much of the pascal language is similar to what we see in our C or Java languages. Some of its features make pascal easy to understand and maintain. The programming Structure of pascal consist of; program name, uses command type, declarations, Statements data object and or functions. Every Pascal program has a heading statement, a declaration and execution in that exact order. Basic syntax variable are placed in the beginning of a statement, followed by a definition of some sort. Declaring a variable s straight forward in the design of pascal. By using keywords like var allows the programmer a number of abilities. Which include declaring string, integers, records and other defining types. This is followed by the capability to use functions and procedures. In Pascal procedures are instructions to execute within the program with no return. Functions are similar in attributes with the exception of having a return value. Like Ada, Pascal is not case sensitive. Pascal Programs are generally formed by several statements. Every statement gives the program a Job by stating or defining xactly what that Job is. Each Job should consist of declarations, assignment, reading or writing data and taking logical statements. Similar to other languages, Pascal has words on reserved such as array, begin and end. These words you would not be allowed use as a variable and to declare any value. Pascal also has a number of different data types that include the standard, integer, real, Boolean and structured array records and file. These constants make it easier for the programmer to read. Pascal has the ability to use numerical, logical, string and character constants. Pascal as many other types, the enumerated type is a data type defined by the user. They give most value the qualification to be specified in a list. Pascal uses variable as a define storage space. Operators are used in every programming language in pascal uses as manipulations of mathematical or logical functionality. There is a list of operators used in pascal involving arithmetic, relations, Boolean, bit, set and string Operands. Each operand has a different responsibility and implementation. Pascal decision making is design for the programmer to specify all condition to evaluated and test by the program. All statements have to have a true or false result and or reroute to another statement of the programmers choice. Helping with these logic statement would me key words like if-then, if-then-else, nest-if statement and many more (Micheal Van Cannegt). These statements can lead one to a loop, where some code that is to be executed multiple times. A loop is usually executed in a specific order the first followed by the second and so on. Pascal also has loop control statement feature that will allow breaks which can call for the termination of a loop or any case statement that has out grown its parameter. Goto statements can transfer control but this feature is not often used. Programmer use a number of small sections of code called subprogram (Victor John Saliba). Every one of these subprograms preforms a particular task as modules. There are two kinds of subprograms function and procedure. Functions are small programs that have a single return value of some variety. Every pascal has to have as many as one function to call it a program and other smaller program to define added functionalities. Pascal functions usually consist of a header, the declaration and a body. The function eader has only two main objects, the keyword and the name of that function. There are many other part to a function, by which include the argument, this is often where the programmer calls the program and the formal parameters. The formal parameter could be an array, subprogram or structured variables. The declaration function simply speaks to the compiler giving it instructions on how to call that specific program it ultimately has the same attributes as the function subprogram. The difference being in the format of the keywords, which is procedure being one of them nstead of function. Pascal file handling capabilities are second to none and are very simple to generate. For instant, notice that there is not a word on reserve for the reading or writing to a file, the usual format to use is readln() or writeln(). When reading a file the base type could be an integer real, Boolean, enumerator, subrange, record, arrays each one but certain other file types. Pascal was a powerful language and tool in 1970s and has become a more advanced language over time. Pascal has been through a few update and changes to the language. In being this reliable and fficient Pascal will continue to be of use in the near future. References freepascal. org/advantage. var ftp://ftp. freepascal. org/pub/fpc/docs-pdf/ref. pdf, Reference guide for Free Pascal, version 2. 6. 2 Document version 2. 6. February 2013 pascal-central. com/ppl/chapter2. html. The Pascal Programming Language. Bill Catambay. 0 2001 Academic Press. http://pascal-programming. info/ index. php. pascal Programming. Victor John Saliba 2006. computerhistory. org/fellowawards/hall/bios/Niklaus,Wirth/ . Copyright 0 2013 Computer History Museum
Monday, November 4, 2019
Law for business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Law for business - Essay Example The customer bought an action against the manufacturer on the basis that there had been a fault in the hardware of the computers. The fault meant that the computer could not be repaired in time and this resulted in considerable loss to the customer, as its business had to meet a crucial deadline. The customer claimed that there had been a breach of contract because the computers were not of satisfactory quality which is an implied term in the contract and moved on to say that there had been negligence on part of the manufacturer as he had made defective products and thus they wanted the cost of the computers as well as the lost profits. The legal basis of the claim would thus be for breach of an implied term and if there are any express terms as to the quality of the products and negligence on the part of the manufacturer in making the product. Finally if the computer would have caused any other damage, there might have been liability under product liability. The manufacturer has limited his liability in the first clause only to the total cost of the computer and so if either a breach of contract or negligence is proved, he must pay for the total cost of the computers. However, under clause 2 since the loss was incidental or as a consequence of the fault, the manufacturer would not be held liable as the clause has limited liability for such damages, whether it is tort or contract. Under the Data Protection Act 1998, the data has to be processed in accordance with the law and in a manner which is fair and proper. As for the application of the Act, if the firm is small the act applies to both, customer as well as existing and former employees. If information is collected from employees they must be informed of the use that the information is going to be put to and provide them with the right to access such information and correct it in the future. Further, such use of passed on information is done fairly. Any information being passed on to third parties must be
Friday, November 1, 2019
Marketing of Drugs, by Pharmaceutical Companies Essay
Marketing of Drugs, by Pharmaceutical Companies - Essay Example By presenting these aspects of the marketing perspective of the pharmaceutical industry this paper attempts to come to the conclusion that in the final outcome of these marketing practices it is the care of the patients that is negatively affected. Introduction: Market conditions have never been so good for the pharmaceutical industry. The amount of money spent in the United States of America on prescription drugs was a whopping $141 billion in 2001, as per figures provided by the CMS Office of the Actuary. This expenditure on prescription drugs has made it the third largest factor in the expenditure on national health care in the United States of America. In 1990 for every dollar spent on health care, prescription drugs made up six cents. The proportional expenditure on prescription drugs has shown a significant rise by 2001 to ten percent. By 2010, this proportional expenditure on prescription drugs is expected to rise to 14.2%, more than doubling, in a period of two decades. There have been several factors that have contributed to this remarkable growth in spending on prescription drugs. These factors are the increased use of prescription drugs, an aging population, development of new therapeutic agents for the treatment of chronic ailmen ts, increasing consumer demand for prescription drugs, and the escalating cost of drugs. Unfortunately these good times have not made the pharmaceutical companies satisfied with the profits that this extra demand for prescription drugs would generate from their existing market share of the expenditure on prescription drugs. Instead the lure of raking in profits has made the pharmaceutical industries attempt to carve out a larger share of the pie, in terms of the prescription drug market.
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